Dec 12 2021

iChemE Award 2021

Best Introduction of Research Technology

HOUSTON, TEXAS, Dec 15, '21 — MicroSilicon once again recognized for excellence in innovation. With a joint submission with ADNOC, the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) has announced that MicroSilicon's Quantum RF technology has again been recognized out of a list of more than 120 finalist entries from across 20 countries .

Keith Batchelor, Chair of the IChemE Global Awards volunteer judging panel, said: “Our peer-reviewed awards celebrate and recognise the highest standards and achievements in chemical engineering around the globe. Congratulations to the finalists of the 2021 IChemE Global Awards and thank you to everyone who submitted an entry. The Global Awards 2021 webinars are a great way for chemical engineers across the world to learn from your peers about remarkable new research and innovations, which could also be of interest to or inspire your own work in your area of expertise; so please do come along, they’re free and open to all to attend.”

About MicroSilicon
MicroSilicon is the world's innovation leader for real-time fluid characterization using electromagnetic and quantum chemical technology at the wellhead and for which they won, or have been nominated for, multiple industry awards, including Rice Alliance Startup, SPE ATCE Best-in-Show, World Oil (twice), iChemE, ADIPEC (twice) and most recently S&P Global Energy. They are now developing a range of flow assurance products and services as well as miniaturization of downhole sensing microchips.


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MicroSilicon, Inc.
One WestChase Center
10777 Westheimer Rd, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77043
P: (832) 710-3030

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