Extend Life
Increase life of the reservoir
Optimal chemical dosing can extend the life of a reservoir.
An effective chemical management program that ensures optimal dosing—using the right chemical, at the right time, and in the right amount—can help maintain smooth flow conditions and prevent damaging asphaltene deposits. This proactive approach not only minimizes downtime and costly repairs but also preserves the reservoir's permeability and overall integrity. By preventing premature blockage and formation damage, the operator can extend the reservoir's productive life, ensuring that it continues to produce at higher efficiency for the longest period possible.
About MicroSilicon
MicroSilicon is the world's innovation leader for real-time fluid characterization using electromagnetic and
quantum chemical technology at the wellhead and for which they won, or have been nominated for, multiple industry awards, including Rice
Alliance Startup, SPE ATCE Best-in-Show, World Oil (twice), iChemE, ADIPEC (twice) and most recently S&P Global Energy.
They are now developing a range of flow assurance products and services as well as miniaturization of downhole sensing